Stay ahead in the era of Industry 4.0 with the competitive advantage of the "Edge."
The manufacturing industry is on the brink of a major transformation: the Age of Connected Manufacturing. Driven by the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Manufacturing involves the seamless interconnection of equipment, devices, people, products, and processes. In this environment, every element—from the shop floor to the storehouse—can communicate with every other part. Edge and enterprise analytics are crucial in this setup, playing a game-changing role in optimizing operations and decision-making.
IoT Analytics
Execute and operationalize advanced analytics on large volumes of IoT data from your plant sensors. Gain valuable insights to make more informed and precise decisions.
Predictive Maintenance
Monitor equipment health in real time and predict potential failures. Uncover insights to prevent machine breakdowns and unplanned downtime, boost productivity, and lower maintenance costs.
Edge Analytics
Conduct data analysis at decentralized components of the manufacturing system, such as sensors, switches, and connected devices. Gain insights directly at the source where the data is collected.